Tuesday, July 22, 2014

MTT On My Own: Week 3

Week 2 of camp #1 was more exhausting than the first week; hence, my running this week was minimal.


Today was a "rest day".  As I mentioned in my previous post, rest days at camp weren't true rest days since our form of transportation at camp was walking.


I had every intention of running today, but when I woke up at 5am and heard the leaves rustling in the strong wind, I decided that I'd better check the radar to see if there was a storm approaching; there was one on the way, which would reach us soon, so I went back to sleep.  While I know that I could have run in the rain (as I've done a few times before), I decided that I needed the extra sleep, and so did my running partners at camp.


Since the camp was going on a fieldtrip today to Letchworth State Park in Castile, NY to take a look at the waterfalls and swim at the pool, I decided that I would only run 1 loop around the camp, which was about 2 miles instead of the 4 miles planned for today.  We lucked out with the weather today for the fieldtrip; it had been raining most of the days at camp so far, but today it didn't.  It was still cold, around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, so I didn't swim in the pool; after living in Virginia for the past 8 years and being used to the humidity there, I was freezing in the 65-75 degree weather we had during camp.
upper falls

middle falls


By this point in the camp, I was super exhausted, since our days consisted of waking up at 7:15am, activities all day long, a nightly campfire that usually lasted until after 10pm, then a nightly meeting with the patrol leaders and adults to discuss how things had gone during the day and what would happen the next day; this meant that most nights I wouldn't get to bed until almost midnight [I always went right to bed after our nightly planning meetings, while some of the other adults stayed up much later].  I decided that sleeping 6-7 hours each night from now until the end of camp would be much better for me than sleeping 4-5 hours each night if I got up in the mornings to run.


Today was a "rest day."


Today was the last day of camp for the kids, so the morning was spent packing and practicing for the end of camp program in the afternoon.  After the program, the parents packed up their kids and left.  While I would have loved to pack up my things and head back to Cleveland, I didn't want to leave the camp director to have to pack and clean all the camp stuff by herself.  So the adults that stayed helped pack up the things in the office, which took most of the evening.


Sunday morning, we finished packing away the camp stuff into the storage trailers, then I packed my car with my things and drove the 4.5 hours back to my parents' house in Cleveland.  Even though I had intentionally stayed at camp the night before to help pack and rest a little before driving home, I was still exhausted on the drive back.  The last 1.5 hours of the drive were the hardest; I had to fight to stay awake, even after stopping to buy some coffee at a gas station.


After taking a regular shower (not a rushed one, like we had been doing at camp) the night before and getting a full night's sleep, I felt almost 100% back to normal today.  I spent the day resting, doing my camp laundry and catching up on my summer shows.

On Tuesday, I had signed up to run the Patrick Henry Half Marathon in Ashland, VA on August 23rd.  I debated with myself whether to sign up for it or not, because it's the weekend right after I get back to Richmond.  My fear is that because I can't be totally consistent with my running at the 2 camps that I'm helping out at during this summer, that I won't be as prepared for the race as I'll need to be.  What made me finally decide to sign up was that (1) I really wanted to run another half marathon, to see how I would do compared to the one I ran in December, (2) that the marathon training plan includes a half marathon distance run for that same weekend, (3) as a Richmond Road Runners Club member, the price for the race was reasonable/affordable, and (4) I wouldn't have to travel out of town for the race.

My goal for the next 2.5 weeks until camp #2 starts is to stick to the marathon training plan.

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