Sunday, May 25, 2014

Celebrating Who I Am Today

Today is my 31st birthday.  I decided to change a little the way I celebrate my birthday this year; I decided to celebrate WHO I am today, who I have become: a runner.

In the past year, year and half, I have joined several running groups here in Richmond, and have become good friends with some fellow runners.  While out on a mid-week run with some friends a few weeks ago, one of them mentioned how much fun we had back in April when we met for a run along the James River one Sunday morning.  I knew that I wanted to celebrate my birthday in a different way this year, not just the same dinner and drinks with friends, so when this runner friend mentioned that it got me thinking: hey, my birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and it's on a Sunday.  Wouldn't an easy run with friend be a great way to celebrate?

So this morning, 6 of us met at Tredegar for my birthday run.  We started the run by jogging across the suspension bridge to Belle Isle, then ran the trail that loops around the island.  We regrouped at the end of the loop, and after throwing some ideas around about where to run next, I decided that we would run back across the suspension bridge, then head to Brown's Island and along the canal walk.  The boys decided to continue on to The Dairy Bar Restaurant (where I had decided we would meet for a post-run breakfast), so us girls continued on.  It was a gorgeous day: sunny, warm (but not hot).  Once we got to the end of the canal walk, I was going to suggested turning around and going back, but then Becky mentioned the pipeline, so I decided that we should head there.  I have not run the pipeline in about a year.  For those Richmonders that have never done it, you should, it's really cool.  You literally walk or run on top of the pipe that runs above the James River; when the river gets high, the pipeline is closed off because it is under the river.

As we got closer to where the railing on either side of the pipeline ended, I noticed that a heron was sitting on the pipeline, just chilling.  We crept closer and closer.  We were able to get quite close to it, about 5 or 6 feet, and then it flew off.
Once we got to the end of the pipeline we had a dilemma: the river was still flowing over the pipeline at the part closest to Brown's Island, so we decided it was best to just turn around and head back the way we came.  We walked back along the pipeline, then jogged back along the canal walk back to our cars.

After the 4.6 mile run, we headed over to The Dairy Bar Restaurant, which I had heard has great breakfast food (and milkshakes, which unfortunately I can't have).  When we arrived at the restaurant, we saw that it was closed.  There was a sign on their door that said that they were closed all weekend due to the the Memorial Day holiday.

After some discussion, we decided to head to Galaxy Diner, since Brian was set on getting milkshakes.  We all enjoyed a delicious post-run breakfast there, and discussed who's birthday is next so we could plan the next birthday run and the start of marathon training, which starts in 1 week (eek!).
Thank you Amy, Becky, Brian, Mike, and Sandy for joining me on my birthday run.  What a great way to celebrate my birthday and who I am today!!

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